HoloDigilog Human Media Research Center
The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Korea, Engineering Research Center(ERC)
Worldwide pioneer in creation of the future-dreaming human society, Hologram Virtual World
Global R&D leader of the next-generation holodigilog human media allowing emotional interactions between the real world(Human beings) and the virtual world(Hologram avatars) in the free-space
Research Goals of the HOLODIGILOG
* R&D on the core original technologies of
- Free-space holographic 3-D imaging and projection displays,
- Emotional human-hologram interaction,
- Realism-enhanced interactive hologram contents,
- Emotion recognition, inference and evaluation,
- Sensors and space recognition and haptic
- Free-space hologram platform S/W and API
* Prototypes implementation of the interactive holographic virtual, mixed and augmented reality systems
* Patent application of the developed technologies and publication of them in the world-top journals
* Commercialization of the patented technologies by transferring them to the related companies
* Establishment of the systematic interdisciplinary, industrial and international collaboration networks for cooperative R&D of the future hologram human media technologies
* Production of the high-quality R&D professionals and development of the HHI-related academic and education programs
Propulsion system

Research Outline of the HOLODIGILOG
- The HOLODIGILOG is researching and developing the original core technologies of the interactive hologram human media as a future vision of the science and technology. As seen in the Hollywood SF movie of Star Wars, the people who are far away from the conference hall take their seats in the conference hall using hologram avatar images (virtual world) and talk with the participants (real world). Also, in another SF movie of Minority Report, Tom Cruise (real world) recalls his family unfolding the video clips of his family in the air using free-space holographic techniques (virtual world).
- Here in the movies, the interlocutors and family appeared as hologram images are not the physical existences, but their talking, actions and appearances just look like those of the real person. In Hollywood SF movies, various appearances of the future human society have been depicted like realities through the advanced special effects. Such a holographic visualization technique, however, doesnt stay in science fiction films anymore and are now approaching to us in reality.
- Therefore, the major R&D field of the HOLODIGILOG is the Free-space Interactive Hologram Human Media as a future vision of the science and technology. For that, various original core technologies including touchable free-space holographic 3-D projection display, emotional human-hologram interaction techniques, human emotion recognition, inference and evaluation techniques, and realism-enhanced hologram 3-D contents generation techniques are researched and developed.
- Many global IT companies, research institutes and futurologists predict the Interactive Hologram Human Media allowing emotional interactions between human beings and holograms in free space as an emerging technology to bring revolutional changes in our daily life. They may have various potential application fields including hologram image communication, hologram TV broadcasting, hologram-based virtual e-learning and education, hologram-based telemedicine, hologram-based virtual combats, free-space hologram-based advertisement, hologram-based art performances, hologram-based games, etc.
- Interactive Hologram Human Media expect to be applied to various next-generation high value-added industries and business, but still they are in the embryonic stage globally and dont have any international standards. So, there are lots of possibilities to develop new technologies in this field.
- The HOLODIGILOG would research and develop the critical technologies of Interactive Hologram Human Media with 13 professors at 8 universities, 15 companies including LG Electronics and SK Telecom, and 15 universities and research institutes from 10 countries including U.S.A, Japan, Spain, Israel, Germany, U.K, England, China, Netherlands, etc.
- Also, the HOLODIGILOG will preoccupy the new research field of Interactive Hologram Human Media by presentation of the R&D results in the world-top journals, applying for patents, and transferring technologies to relevant companies for their commercialization. Finally, the HOLODIGILOG will be the worldwide R&D hub unwaveringly by securing the international competitive power in this field.
Major Research Contents of the HOLODIGILOG
- The HOLODIGILOG is now researching and developing Interactive Hologram Human Media technologies, which allows emotional interactions between human beings and hologram avatars in the free-space where the real world and the virtual world co-exist. In a word, they are the technologies for realizing the appearances of the hologram avatars in Hollywood SF movies including Star Wars and Minority Report.
To achieve these research goals, there are three kinds of critical technologies to be researched as follows.
1. Research and develop the core original technologies needed for projection of the 360¨¬ touchable hologram images in the free-space.
2. Research and develop the core original technologies needed for generation of the visually and emotionally realism-enhanced hologram human media contents.
3. Research and develop the core original technologies needed for realization of the direct human-hologram interaction in the free-space.
- Director: Prof. Eun-Soo Kim
- Prof. Nam-Young Kim
- Prof. Sang-Shin Lee
- Prof. Jihoon Lee
- Prof. Nam Kim
- Prof. Seong-Wook Min
- Prof. Yo-Sung Ho
- Prof. Seong-Yui Yoon
- Prof. Seung-Lyong Lee
- Prof. Min-Cheol Hwang
- Prof. Jeong-Hyun Kim
- Prof. Min-Chul Park
- Prof. Je-Ha Ryu
- Prof. Seung-Cheol Kim
- Prof. Yong-Seok Hwang
- Prof. Suk-Pyo Hong
- Prof. Jae-Young Jang